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Meet the Fellows: Thomas Hogan

Learn more about BPI Senior Fellow Thomas Hogan in the latest installment of our Meet the Fellows series.

What's your name?

Thomas Hogan

What do you do for work? 

The University of Austin

How did you wind up in your current role? 

Assistant Professor of Economics

How did you become interested in researching Bitcoin? 

I'm interested in studying how money can function without government. That area of research is mostly historical work on the gold standard and systems before central banking, but Bitcoin is a new, modern version of money beyond the state's control.

What are your most significant intellectual interests aside from Bitcoin? 

Financial regulation and monetary economics

How have your views on Bitcoin and cryptocurrency broadly changed over time? 

In the early years of Bitcoin, say 2010-2015, I thought of it mostly as an experiment and did not believe it had the capacity to become a global reserve asset. However, it's now in the process of doing just that.

What misconception about Bitcoin do you hear most from your colleagues? 

I'm a strong believer in the "bitcoin is not crypto:" thesis. Most people don't understand the unique properties of Bitcoin and how it differs from other cryptocurrencies.

What misconception about Bitcoin or the subject of your research do you hear most from Bitcoin enthusiasts?

Bitcoiners could learn from monetary history. There's a tendency among bitcoiners to dismiss economists because many economists don't understand bitcoin. However, there are some who do. Monetary historians like Larry White and George Selgin (who influenced early bitcoiners like Hal Finney, Nick Szabo, and perhaps even Satoshi), have done interesting research on how money historically worked outside of government that would be valuable to bitcoiners and could help shape the future of the Bitcoin ecosystem.

What are your hopes for the future of BPI?

BPI will inform and influence future policy debates to help change the US and the world.

Lightning Round

Favorite novel? 

The Lord of the Rings

Favorite U.S. President? 

Ronald Reagan

Who is your biggest intellectual influence? 

Milton Friedman